ROV Training

Get to know more about Floridel Cortez, one of our ROV training instructors who used to be an Engineer before embarking on the field of teaching.

ROV Training

Get to know more about our featured ROV training instructor for the month, Rennie Arellano. He has been teaching ROV at SubNet Services since 2015.

ROV Training

Get to know more about our featured ROV training instructor for the month, Lester Ceremonia. He has been teaching ROV at SubNet Services for two years now.

Subic Bay

Learn more about the history of Subic Bay. Aside from being a special economic zone, this is also where SubNet Services conducts its ROV training courses.

ROV Industry

Interested to know how the ROV industry has been doing lately? Let’s take a comprehensive look at what it has gone through since the 2014 industry slowdown.