
Subnet have recently built their Purpose Built IMCA Class A – FULL ROV Team Simulator. The Latest Subnet Services Ltd ROV Simulator is a 4 Man – Team ROV Simulator. Built to train and/or assess competency of 1 or ALL ROV Team Members simultaneously. ROV Supervisor, ROV Pilot, ROV Co Pilot, Rov Data Recorder, 4

Subnet would like to congratulate our four latest students from Australian Department of Defense. These 4 Australian students showed their dedication from start to finish and so were able to complete the course to a high level of competence. It was a pleasure to train these men who were great ambassadors of their country.

Welders work overseas now fast. While the demand is high you can UPGRADE in the Philippines to INTERNATIONAL WELDER now. Subnet is an accredited International AWS SCOPE Welder Training provider. 
We are upgrading standard welders to FCAW / GMAW / GTAW recognized by American Welding Society (AWS).

You Need Filipino Welders Now.
We can deliver any welder assessment NOW immediately for your clients demands. 
CLIENTS can be assured a welder certified by Subnet has had a genuine assessment and pre qualified.
