Global ROV Industry Updates

It is a fact that the global remotely operated vehicle (ROV) market is related to the offshore activities in the oil and gas industry. Thus, the market is affected whenever there is a rally or decline in the offshore activities. Now that we have entered a brand new year, we can’t help but ask how is the ROV industry doing? What are the things that we should be expecting in 2019?


Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) have many uses in various industries such as aquaculture, commercial and salvage diving, environmental research, military, municipal infrastructure, oil and energy, search and rescue operations, shipping, underwater discovery, you name it. But did you know that while ROVs have been a source for information and education, they have also been a source of entertainment and leisure? For this week’s blog feature, SubNet Services will share with you some of the movies that used and/or featured ROVs.

ROV Training

Take a quick look back at what 2017 had been especially for the industry of remotely operated vehicle (ROV). In this post, we have compiled some of the ROV industry reports and statistics released this year that are worth taking note of. Read more.