
End 2017 with a Bang, Get ROV Training at Subnet Services

ROV training

It’s November already! We’ve only got two months before we finally say goodbye to 2017. How’s your year so far? Has 2017 been a productive year for you? Have you achieved all your goals for the year? Is your career exactly where you want it to be? Or do you feel the need to step up?

SubNet Services suggests that you take our remotely operated vehicle (ROV) training to end the year with a bang. As the first company to provide ROV training courses in the Philippines, we have different ROV courses that you can take for the 2017 Q4.

Are you a newbie with no related certification under your belt? Then you might want to consider taking our ROV entry level courses such as Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Premium-S (ROV04S), Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Premium-E (ROV04E), Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Standard-S (ROV05S), and Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Standard-E (ROV05E).

If you are already working in the ROV industry yet aiming for a promotion, you may take our ROV advanced level course – the ROV Supervisory Course (ROV01).

In case you are already an ROV personnel but still in need of additional ROV trainings, we have ROV supplementary courses for you such as Electronics and Fiber Optics for ROV Pilot Technicians (ROV1005CFOT), High Voltage and Fiber Optics for ROV Pilot Technicians (SN/R04/001CFOT), and ROV Familiarisation Basic Introductory Module (ROV1002).

To help you choose your preferred ROV training course and schedule, we have prepared the table below:

November ROV Training Schedule

Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Premium-E (ROV04E)
November 6 to December 15, 2017
Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Premium-S (ROV04S)
November 27 to January 12, 2018
Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Standard-E (ROV05E)
November 13 to December 1, 2017
November 27 to December 15, 2017
Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Standard-S (ROV05S)
November 6 to December 1, 2017
November 20 to December 15, 2017
Electronics and Fiber Optics for ROV Pilot Technicians (ROV1005CFOT)
November 6 to November 24, 2017
ROV Supervisor Course (ROV01)
November 27 to December 1, 2017

December ROV Training Schedule

Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Premium-E (ROV04E)
December 4 to January 12, 2018
Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Premium-S (ROV04S)
December 11 to January 26, 2018
Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Standard-E (ROV05E)
December 11 to December 29, 2017
Commercial Oilfield ROV Pilot Technician Standard-S (ROV05S)
December 4 to December 29, 2017


Interested to be part of the ROV industry or to welcome 2018 as a more qualified ROV personnel? Contact or Email us NOW. Our sales team is delighted to assist you and answer all your inquiries.

Be trained and internationally certified!
Only here at SubNet Services.

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