
Fiber Op-Tips: How to Find the Right Job in Fiber Optics?

fiber optics

Not quite sure if you could find the right job in fiber optics? Or if you could even find a job in this field? And in case you do, how could you be sure that you are the perfect fit for the position? SubNet Services lists some practical tips in finding the right job, as well as in being the right person for the job.

1. Have the right training. Of course, you cannot be certified if you haven’t been trained. As a stepping stone, you have to get the fiber optics training you are aiming for. Here at SubNet, we have two courses available for those who have no fiber optics experience at all. But if you are already familiar with fiber optic technology, we also offer courses that suit your skills or experience. Get more information to help you choose the course that fits you best.

2. Find the right school. So what constitutes a right school especially when it comes to fiber optics? Why not consult the fiber optics expert? As the professional society of fiber optics, the Fiber Optic Association (FOA) sets standards and administers technical certification programs, trains and certifies instructors, and evaluates and approves training schools. In the Philippines, SubNet is among the two FOA-approved schools and the only one in Metro Manila. Residing outside the Philippines? See the complete list of the FOA-approved schools worldwide.

3. Earn the right certification. If you have trained in a FOA-approved school, the training usually concludes with the FOA certification exam. To move forward into your fiber optics job search, you have to pass the exam. Otherwise, you will have to re-take it until you become certified. Three takes are given to those who didn’t pass before a re-training will be required. Nevertheless, no SubNet trainee has ever re-trained before becoming certified. Learn more about the FOA certifications.

4. Know which fiber optics job is right for you. What are your skills and interests? What do you see yourself doing for a living? And what do you think you will enjoy doing as a regular job? Those are the things you have to take into account in determining what fiber optics job fits you. Through the use of your FOA training and certification, the FOA itself has prepared a table to help you in your career decision-making. You can also look for more specific job titles in different fields of fiber optics.

5. Be the right person for the job. Preparation is always the key. More than your training and certification, you have to prepare yourself as you look for a job. Build your self-confidence. Trust in your ability. Know more about the industry. Create a network of contacts. Write a resume that stands out. Continually search for related job openings. If you get invited for an interview, grab the opportunity. It’s okay if you fail the first time. Remember, practice makes perfect. Just keep on bettering yourself until you become the perfect fit for the position. Read more additional tips.

Together with its instructors, SubNet is committed in providing only the best training to its students. Want to experience the same? Contact or Email us NOW for high quality fiber optics training!

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