What are the prerequisite courses for your training?

With an aim to answer all your queries regarding our training courses, Subnet Services is now back on our segment called “Ask Subnet”. For this week, we will discuss the prerequisite courses for each of our trainings. Let’s start with fiber optics.

Why is a Network Design Plan Vital?

Last September, Subnet Services started offering two new courses, one of which is the Certified Fiber Optics Network Design (TEL2007). CFOSD is a three-day program about the process of fiber optic design and its implementation. It explores the facets of designing fiber optic networks – from choosing components, proposed routing, testing, and documenting to creating a plan and managing installation. But before we discuss this course deeper, let us tackle first the importance of a network design plan.

fiber optics personnel

Hello! It’s been a while since we last posted on our blog. As a comeback gift to our followers, we are coming up with a new segment called “Ask SubNet” wherein we will be devoting a blog entry in answering each of your queries. Hence, this will be like an expanded Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with corresponding answers, of course. Are you ready? Feel free to ask us anything, anytime.