SubNet Services

As 2017 wraps up, another year will be born hence, another opportunity to be seized. What goal are you particularly looking to achieve? Do you want to take on a new challenge in your career? Are you seeking something new and big? How about an international training to help further your credentials?

fiber optics

SubNet Services is giving up to 25% discount on all our fiber optics training! Dubbed as the “FIBEaRly Christmas Treat”, our promo is exclusive to all OFWs who will book our fiber optics courses from November 2017 to January 2018.

ROV training

It’s November already! We’ve only got two months before we finally say goodbye to 2017. How’s your year so far? Has 2017 been a productive year for you? Is your career exactly where you want it to be? SubNet Services suggests that you take our remotely operated vehicle (ROV) training to end the year with a bang. Check out our ROV training course schedule for November and December.

SubNet Services

This week, we are featuring another student who got his fiber optics training at SubNet Services. Gilbert Fabia, former CFOSH Fiber to the Home Premises (TEL2004) trainee, works as Fiber Optic Maintenance (Plant Operation Maintenance) at Sky Cable. Read more to get to know more about him and his SubNet success story.

fiber optics

Three quarters down. One to go. 2017 has indeed passed by quickly. How are you planning to end the year? Get fiber optics training at SubNet Services!
