fiber optics personnel

Hello! It’s been a while since we last posted on our blog. As a comeback gift to our followers, we are coming up with a new segment called “Ask SubNet” wherein we will be devoting a blog entry in answering each of your queries. Hence, this will be like an expanded Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with corresponding answers, of course. Are you ready? Feel free to ask us anything, anytime.

Overseas Filipino Worker

SubNet Services, being the only Fiber Optic Association (FOA) approved school in Metro Manila, has been offering internationally certificated training courses in fiber optics for company personnel and individuals alike. Through the years, SubNet has produced students who became successful fiber optic technicians after taking their trainings. Interested to be one of them?

fiber optics training

January is almost over, but it’s still a Happy New Year here at SubNet Services. Be in a celebratory mood, as we are giving 50% discount vouchers on fiber optics training certification renewal! Read more to learn more.

Fiber Optics

As promised on our previous blog post, this will be a continuation of our whole year look-back on Fiber Optic Association (FOA) president Jim Hayes’ fiber optics columns on Electrical Contractor Magazine in 2017. Read more, learn more!

Fiber Optics

Other than being the Fiber Optic Association (FOA) president, Jim Hayes is also a fiber optics columnist and contributing editor at the Electrical Contractor Magazine. In this blog post, we will be providing a glimpse into the topics he had written about in 2017.