
ROV Pilot Tech 2 to ROV Pilot Tech 1 Competency Training

Companies have expressed the need to hire ROV Pilot Tech 1
but at times struggle to hire or promote their staff

who do not have the recorded competences.

Upgrade to Imca Pilot Tech 1

ROV Pilot Tech 2 to ROV Pilot Tech 1 Course and competency assessment

 Rov Pilots are much better suited of course to be hired if they hold a ROV Pilot Tech 1 competence certificate.

This course delivers Technical hands on, theory and real time flying, while assisting the ROV supervisor running dives, on our 4 man ROV Control Room ROV Simulator
see the simulator details here:

 Requirements to join this course:

  • ROV Log Book
  • Offshore medical
    if no medical we can supply here when you participate in the course.
    Offshore survival Course
    if no we can supply OGUK here when you do this course.
  • 180 Days offshore – If no let us know how many you have?
  • 100 or more hours proven flying time BUT if you are low hours we can give you up to 40 hours FLYING  to make up to the 100 during training.


Please complete the following form

Subnet Services Ltd
