As a training school, SubNet Services puts our students first: their needs, their goals, not to mention, their thoughts. With an aim to get their perspectives on the fiber optics industry in general, we ask for their two cents’ worth at the end of every training. If you are interested to get into the FO industry as well, read on to learn a thing or two from our former trainees.

As we now begin the second quarter of 2018, we encourage you to reflect on what the past few months have offered you so far. Have you reached some of your goals? Or are you still working your way towards achieving it? Whether you are eyeing something bigger in your career or in life generally, it is important that you evaluate the steps you are taking. If it will help you in one way or another, keep doing it. If not, you can always start anew.

Fiber Optics Training has never been this amazing at SubNet Services. We have made this the lowest and most affordable for you by cutting course fees in half! The only Fiber Optic Association (FOA) approved school in Metro Manila is now offering you the most amazing training promo ever. You can get 50% OFF on any fiber optics training courses!